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Finance business abroad with export factoring and exploit new growth opportunities

Are long payment terms and a lack of liquidity hampering your expansion chances? Do you want to move into new markets abroad without the risk of bad debt losses?
Factoring promises you ongoing liquidity that expands flexibly in tandem with the success of your company. Financing through factoring is based on the transfer of accounts receivables to the factoring supplier, who pays the invoiced amount to the company within 24 hours and claims the payment from the debtor in turn. Full-service factoring from A.B.S. also delivers comprehensive cover for bad debt losses at home and abroad; plus we undertake receivables management for the invoices signed over to us.

Many export-oriented SME in Switzerland are suffering due to their foreign customers’ long payment terms. With A.B.S. Factoring, we are offering a sustainable solution to increase your competitiveness.

Marc Meier
Managing Director


Open up new markets!

Use factoring to ensure that nothing stands in the way of your export business. New markets will open up to you when you’re in a good, secure financial position.

more about export factoring

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Take new markets by storm: finance exports with factoring

In the development of foreign markets in particular, the risk of bad debt losses is ever-present. Depending on the size of the loss, this can have unforeseeable economic consequences for the company and thwart ambitious expansion plans. Full-service factoring from A.B.S. helps to mitigate these risks in export business. Thanks to our comprehensive coverage against debtor non-payment, our customers are protected against bad debt losses – and have the cash and cash equivalents needed to compete internationally.
As well as bringing new opportunities, our financing solution negates the need for several accounting-related and administrative tasks. Our undertaking of the time-consuming receivables management allows customers to focus fully on growth opportunities for their business. Moreover, by granting extended payment terms, our customers become more competitive and benefit from supplier discounts and rebates.

Trend towards longer payment terms at home and abroad

Studies such as the European Payment Report (EPR), published annually by Intrum Justitia, point to a sharp deterioration in payment practices in Europe in recent years as well as a rising number of bankruptcies. According to the current EPR, Swiss companies in the B2B sector waited an average of 34 days for payment last year; in the case of orders for public authorities they had to wait 44 days before the liquidity for services rendered could be channelled back into the company.
Abroad terms are often even longer for orders performed: in France, for example, payment terms are routinely 60 to 90 days, while in the USA they are 90 days or more. Our factoring solution reduces these periods to just one day. In this way, A.B.S. Factoring contributes significantly to the optimisation of working capital and releases funds for future investments and expansion.

Our network – your gain

A.B.S. Factoring AG is a reliable partner that deals with SME on an equal footing to facilitate their long-term and secure expansion. We develop smart financing concepts aimed at specific business situations and objectives. Thanks to our network of affiliated companies, we have first-hand experience of many markets. All of our advisory and operational services are coordinated by one central contact person who keeps up to date with all developments and provides the client with expert advice.

Other advantages of factoring for exports

A better rating: signing over receivables to a factoring supplier has a positive impact on the company balance sheet. Converting short-term receivables into cash and cash equivalents reduces the right side of the balance sheet and improves your equity ratio.
Longer payment terms: factoring allows you to grant your clients longer payment terms without causing liquidity bottlenecks for your own company. This gives our customers an attractive marketing tool that helps to set them apart in highly competitive environments. Our wealth of experience: A.B.S. Factoring AG is an experienced partner in the field of SME financing and a specialist in export transactions. Through the international network of the A.B.S. Group, our customers benefit from our wealth of experience on foreign markets, which makes it easier for them to cope with different laws, languages and mentalities as well as different payment and business practices.
Risk diversification: when domestic markets are saturated and competitive pressure intensifies, moving into new export markets can be an effective corporate strategy. The company can then count on additional scaling effects and build up a new foothold, which in turn serves to diversify risk.

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A.B.S. Factoring AG
Zürcherstrasse 104
CH-8852 Altendorf

Tel.: +41 55 556 40 00

Site de Lausanne
Place de la Gare 12
1003 Lausanne

Tel.: +41 22 556 20 70